Kiwanis Garden Manor

Assisted Living offers tenants the support they need to continue a vibrant and meaningful life. Tenants at the Manor are able to function independently in their own suite, while receiving assistance, if needed, with daily tasks such as bathing, medication reminders and/or personal assistance. Services include two meals per day, basic laundry and housekeeping, 24 hour emergency response, 24 hour personal care and support, as requested. And organized programs to enhance quality of life, enabling seniors to live safely, independently and comfortably as long as possible.

Address / Contact Info

4923 Kiwanis Ave. Powell River, BCV8A 5H5

Phone Numbers

Phone: (604) 485-5210
Fax: (604) 485-5250

Web Links


Location Map

This program was last updated on: 06 Apr 2022.