Acupuncture at Suncoast Integrated Health
Sara has over 20 years experience as a registered acupuncturist. Acupuncture is a safe and highly effective solution for pain and treats many other conditions. Curious if acupuncture can help you? Call us!more info
AIDS Vancouver Island
Provides crisis counselling, advocacy re: social services and other agencies; arranges medical appointments in Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo; has an extensive and up-to-date medical library; provides one-on-one counselling for people with HIV, Hepatitis C and their friends and families; and gives talks to schools, hospitals and community groups.more info
Alano Club of Powell River
A clubhouse where people can socialize without drugs or alcohol. Cost of membership $10/month; people under 60, $5/month. more info
Aqua Yoga
The City of Powell River Parks, Recreation & Culture strives to enhance the quality of life for all citizens through facilitation of recreation services, providing and maintaining parks and green spaces and supporting the arts and culture in a postiive, healthy and equitable manner.more info
Art Therapy
Art Therapy merges counselling with creative expression to aid in therapy. The focus is on participation rather than artistic ability. This approach benefits individuals of all ages. more info
Assumption Soup Kitchen
FRIDAY A FREE community soup kitchen for those wanting/needing a good, home-cooked warm meal. Its mandate is to serve and we welcome people of all ages and financial backgrounds. It's a place for socializing and sharing. more info
BC Transplant
BC Transplant provides oversight for all aspects of organ donation and transplantation across BC.more info
Better at Home
Better at Home is a program that helps seniors to continue to live independently in their own homes and be connected to their community.more info
British Columbia Family Residence Program (BCFRP)
"Providing help for families where health care ends." This program is administered by Variety – The Children’s Charity of British Columbia – providing subsidized accommodation for families whose child, including premature babies and newborns with other health concerns, are receiving care at BC Children’s Hospital in Vancouver. No cost to families.more info
Community Living BC
Community Living BC (CLBC) is a provincial crown agency, mandated under the Community Living Authority Act, that funds supports through service agencies for adults with developmental disabilities and their families in BC. CLBC is working to create communities where people with developmental disabilities have more choices about how they live, work and contribute.more info