Allied Health Care Services - Accupuncture/Accupressure
Acupuncture at Suncoast Integrated Health
Sara has over 20 years experience as a registered acupuncturist. Acupuncture is a safe and highly effective solution for pain and treats many other conditions. Curious if acupuncture can help you? Call us!more info
Edward Sanderson Acupuncture and Health Coaching
Our mission is to provide affordable, high quality acupuncture to the Powell River community.more info
Patricia MacPherson Acupuncture, Oriental Therapy
Patricia MacPherson received her D.TCM in 1995 and has been practising acupuncture for 20+ years. Prior to becoming an Acupuncturist she worked as a Shiatsu/Acupressure Therapist. She has experience in both Chinese and Japanese acupuncture styles.more info