Condition Specific Info / Support - Cancer
BC Breast Cancer Screening
BC Cancer
BC Cancer’s mandate covers the full spectrum of cancer care from prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment, to research and education, to supportive and palliative care.more info
Breast Cancer post surgical garments and prosthetics
Do you know someone who has had breast surgery, breast cancer, mastectomy or lumpectomy? Kompassion for Kups provides women with personal support and products to enhance healing, and maintain comfort and body image, while undergoing cancer treatments and onward through survivorship. Products available are post surgical bras (compression and daily wearers)and prosthetics. Call for appointment 236.845.2024more info
Breast Cancer Support Group - Powell River
Breast Cancer Support Group: & Mastectomy – Reach To Recovery: Hospital and home visits to recently diagnosed breast cancer patients, one-on-one counselling, information.more info
Camp Goodtimes
Camp Goodtimes provides a safety-focused, medically supervised, fun and recreational experience for children and teens affected by cancer and their families.more info
Canadian Cancer Society
Get trusted cancer information, locate community services, find help with travel & accommodations, borrow wigs & prosthesis, talk to someone who’s been there, adjust to life after treatment.more info
Cancer Connection
Peer support for people with cancer and their caregivers.more info
Cancer Information Service
Available to cancer patients, caregivers or anyone who needs help understanding cancer and finding community services. Toll-free service accessible in multiple languages.more info
Jean C Barber Lodge
Affordable accommodations located across from the BC Cancer Agency – Vancouver Centre. A home away from home during cancer treatment with meals and support services.more info
Travel Treatment Fund
Limited, short-term financial assistance to cover a portion of cancer-related transportation and accommodation expenses.more info